So here's why I haven't been posting latley- I now live in a tent with no electricity, phone service, internet, or running water!

Me and my husband recently bought ten acres in a pretty undeveloped off-the-grid area here in Northern Arizona and we're living on it, planning a house that we will start putting up in the spring.
We set up a wall tent, which is a big canvas tent with walls- big enough to stand up in (14 x 16 feet in area), put our bed and couch and a woodstove in it, and set up a smaller tent to act as a kitchen.
We have a lantern for light at night, but Craig is building some solar panels and putting together a whole electric setup for us, so soon we will have lights in the tent. And once we have electricity, we can get phone and internet service. For now though, it's kind of nice not having those connections. Once I leave town for the day and get home, I can abandon all thoughts and things connected with the outside world and just relax. Let it all go.
I've done a lot of knitting. I'm knitting Christmas presents for everyone, so I'll start a nice fire, put on some hot water for tea, and sit in the tent and knit.
Someday, I'll have my sewing machine hooked up to our solar grid and all my power usage will be from renewable energy! But for now, my machine is at my parents house and I have to go over there to sew. They were kind enough to let me invade a whole room with my craftiness. My "productive mess" as my mom has always called it. For now though, I'll just be doing a lot of knitting.
This is amazing. I've always wanted to do just this.
I'm going to start with a van...soon I hope. And would like to eventually purchase some land.
High five for actually doing it!!!
Thanks for the support!
It's been an awesome journey and a long winter :)
We also lived in a van one summer and traveled up to California, Washington, and Oregon. It's so freeing and really puts things into perspective.
Good luck in your endeavors!
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